Apple Pudding Rose Pastries

Experience the joy of baking with these Apple Pudding Rose Pastries, combining the rustic charm of apples with the creamy sweetness of pudding, all wrapped in a soft pastry that blooms like a rose.


For the Pastry:

  • 1 egg, the binder
  • 280g flour, the structure
  • 10g yeast, the lifter
  • 40g sugar, for a hint of sweetness
  • 100ml lukewarm milk, to activate the yeast
  • A pinch of salt, for balance
  • 20g soft butter, for tenderness
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract, for flavor
  • 1-2 apples, thinly sliced for the filling
  • Egg yolk and cream for brushing
  • Maple syrup for a glossy finish

For the Pudding Filling:

  • 250ml milk, the base
  • 20g cornstarch, the thickener
  • 3 egg yolks, for richness
  • 25g butter, for creaminess
  • 50g sugar, for sweetness
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract, for aroma


  1. Begin with the pudding. Dissolve cornstarch and sugar in a portion of the milk, then whisk in the egg yolks. Warm the rest of the milk, then combine with the cornstarch mixture, stirring until thick. Off the heat, add butter and vanilla, and let it cool.
  2. For the dough, allow the yeast to bloom in the warm milk. In a bowl, mix flour, egg, sugar, salt, butter, vanilla, and the yeast mixture to form a dough. Let it rise until it doubles.
  3. Divide the risen dough into six pieces, roll into balls, and let them rest. Then, roll out and cut each piece to create four petal-like sections.
  4. Place a dollop of pudding in the center with apple slices around it. Fold the dough to form a rose shape, with apple slices peeking out like petals.
  5. Brush with an egg yolk and cream mixture before baking.
  6. Bake the pastries until golden, then brush with maple syrup for sweetness and shine.

These Apple Pudding Rose Pastries are perfect for those who love the combination of fruit and cream in a beautifully presented pastry. Enjoy the playful balance of textures and flavors in every bite. Bon appétit! 👩🏻‍🍳🍎🌹

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