Chocolate Swirl Brioche: A Delicate Pastry with Rich Chocolate Filling

Delight in the exquisite taste of this Chocolate Swirl Brioche, a soft, fluffy pastry enriched with the luxurious flavors of chocolate spread. This brioche combines the traditional light and airy texture of French bread with the decadent indulgence of chocolate, making it a perfect treat for breakfast, brunch, or a sweet snack. Each swirl is a blend of gentle brioche and rich chocolate, creating a mesmerizing pattern that’s as beautiful as it is delicious.

Why You’ll Love This:

Chocolate Swirl Brioche offers a unique twist on classic brioche by incorporating a silky chocolate filling into each roll. The addition of orange blossom water brings a subtle floral hint that complements the chocolate beautifully, enhancing the overall flavor profile of the pastry. This brioche is not only delightful to the taste but also to the touch, with its soft, pillowy texture that melts in your mouth.

Perfect Occasion:

This brioche is ideal for special mornings, holiday brunches, or as a comforting treat to brighten up any day. It’s great for sharing at gatherings or can be enjoyed as a luxurious personal indulgence. Whether you’re hosting a family event or bringing a dish to a potluck, this chocolate swirl brioche is sure to impress.


  • 530 grams of flour
  • 7 grams of instant yeast
  • 230 ml of warm milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 75 grams of soft butter
  • 1 egg
  • 40 grams of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of orange blossom water
  • Chocolate spread (for filling)
  • Philadelphia cream cheese, chocolate spread, and chocolate-coated crispy pearls (for glazing)


  1. Dough Preparation:
    • Combine flour, instant yeast, warm milk, salt, sugar, egg, and orange blossom water in the bowl of a stand mixer.
    • Mix on low speed until combined, then gradually add soft butter. Continue kneading for about 12 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  2. First Rise:
    • Cover the dough and let it rise in a warm place for about 1.5 hours or until it has doubled in size.
  3. Shaping the Brioche:
    • Once risen, punch down the dough to release any air bubbles and roll it out into a thin rectangle.
    • Spread a generous layer of chocolate spread over the dough, then cut into 5 cm wide strips.
    • Roll up each strip tightly and place them side by side in a baking dish.
  4. Second Rise:
    • Allow the shaped brioche to rest and rise for another 1.5 hours until puffy and expanded.
  5. Baking:
    • Brush the top of the brioche with cold milk and bake in a preheated oven at 170°C (338°F) for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. Glazing and Decoration:
    • Let the brioche cool completely before topping with a glaze of Philadelphia cream cheese mixed with chocolate spread.
    • Sprinkle with chocolate-coated crispy pearls for added texture and flavor.

Enjoy this luxurious Chocolate Swirl Brioche, where each slice reveals beautiful swirls of chocolate, making it a visually appealing and utterly delicious culinary creation.

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