Classic French Pear Bourdaloue Tart: A Delightful Harmony of Crunch, Softness, and Melt-in-Your-Mouth Goodness

The Classic French Pear Bourdaloue Tart is a sumptuous dessert that beautifully showcases the richness of pears, making it a perfect choice for autumn celebrations. Named after the street in Paris where it was first created, this tart consists of a crispy sweet crust filled with creamy almond cream and topped with tender pear slices. The combination of these textures and flavors not only creates a visually appealing dessert but also offers a complex taste experience that’s deeply satisfying.

Why You’ll Love This:

If you appreciate desserts that balance texture and flavor, the Pear Bourdaloue Tart will be a new favorite. The crumbly, buttery base contrasts with the soft, rich almond cream and the juicy, gently cooked pears. Each component complements the others, with the almond flavor enhancing the natural sweetness of the pears, making each bite a delightful exploration of taste. Additionally, this tart is a great way to use seasonal pears and enjoy a classic French patisserie item from the comfort of your own kitchen.

Perfect Occasion:

This tart is ideal for a range of occasions. Serve it as a sophisticated dessert at dinner parties, or enjoy it as a treat on a cozy autumn afternoon. It’s also perfect for holiday gatherings, where its elegant appearance and exquisite taste can truly shine. Whether it’s a family reunion, a special celebration, or a casual gathering with friends, the Pear Bourdaloue Tart will impress your guests and make the occasion even more memorable.

Decoration Tips:

For a stunning presentation, arrange the pear slices in a beautiful fan or spiral pattern atop the almond cream. After baking, brush the tart with a neutral glaze or pear syrup to enhance its shine and add an extra touch of sweetness. Garnishing with toasted almond slices adds a delightful crunch and a professional finish. A dusting of powdered sugar just before serving can also add to its allure.


  • For the sweet pastry crust:
    • 180 grams of flour
    • 50 grams of cornstarch
    • 80 grams of powdered sugar
    • 30 grams of almond powder
    • 95 grams of unsalted butter
    • 1 egg
    • 1 gram of salt
  • For the almond cream:
    • 50 grams of unsalted butter, softened
    • 50 grams of sugar
    • 50 grams of almond powder
    • 50 grams of egg (about 1 egg)
  • 3 pears or canned pear halves
  • Sliced almonds for topping


  1. Prepare the pastry crust: In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, cornstarch, powdered sugar, almond powder, and butter. Mix until the texture resembles coarse sand. Add the egg and blend until just forming a smooth dough. Roll out the dough between two sheets of baking paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then fit it into a tart ring, prick with a fork if necessary, and chill for another hour.
  2. Make the almond cream: Cream the softened butter with the sugar. Briefly mix in the egg, then stir in the almond powder until smooth.
  3. Assemble the tart: Peel, core, and slice the pears. Spread the almond cream over the chilled crust and neatly arrange the pear slices on top. Sprinkle with sliced almonds.
  4. Bake: Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit) for 30 to 35 minutes. Optionally, brush with a neutral glaze or syrup for extra shine.


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