Creamy Caramel Cheese Pudding


For the Pudding:

  • 100g cream cheese, softened
  • 20g castor sugar
  • 60g condensed milk
  • 4 eggs, at room temperature
  • 200g milk
  • 100g light cream

For the Caramel Sauce:

  • 10g fine sugar
  • 30g water


Pudding Preparation:

  1. In a bowl, whisk together the softened cream cheese and sugar until smooth and creamy.
  2. Gradually incorporate the condensed milk into the mixture.
  3. Add eggs one at a time, ensuring each is thoroughly mixed before adding the next.
  4. In a separate pot, gently warm the milk and light cream over low heat. Aim for around 60°C.
  5. Slowly add the warmed milk mixture to the cream cheese blend, stirring continuously.
  6. Strain the mixture through a sieve twice to achieve a refined texture.
  7. Set aside and allow it to rest momentarily.

Caramel Sauce Preparation:

  1. In a saucepan, combine 15g of water with the sugar. Heat over medium heat, allowing it to boil without stirring. This prevents any crystallization.
  2. Once a deep brown hue forms at the base, swiftly introduce 15g of hot water. Take caution as the mixture might bubble vigorously.
  3. Once the bubbling subsides, the caramel is prepared. Immediately pour it into your desired mold. Rotate the mold to ensure an even coating and allow it to cool and set.

Assembly and Baking:

  1. Gently pour the pudding mixture over the set caramel.
  2. Cover the mold with aluminum foil, ensuring the shiny side is facing upwards.
  3. Place the mold in a larger dish filled with water, creating a water bath.
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160°C for approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Please note, oven times may vary, so it’s essential to monitor your pudding.
  5. After baking, the pudding should have a slight wobble when shaken. Allow it to cool, then refrigerate overnight.


  1. Run a knife around the pudding’s edge.
  2. Place a serving plate on top of the mold. Invert and give it a quick shake. The pudding should release smoothly.

Enjoy your velvety Creamy Caramel Cheese Pudding!

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