Delicious Mini Toffee Tarts with Rich Dulce de Leche Filling and Rainbow M&M Ganache

These mini toffee tarts are a fun and colorful twist on a classic dessert, perfect for anyone with a sweet tooth. Each tart features a crisp, buttery crust filled with luscious dulce de leche, topped with a vibrant rainbow ganache made from creamy milk chocolate and colorful M&M’s. The combination of the rich dulce de leche and the sweet, creamy ganache creates a flavor that’s reminiscent of chocolate milk, making these tarts a delightful treat for both kids and adults. Whether you’re making them for a party, a special occasion, or just because, these tarts are sure to impress!

Why You’ll Love This:

You’ll love these mini toffee tarts because they offer a perfect blend of textures and flavors in every bite. The buttery crust provides a satisfying crunch, while the creamy dulce de leche and smooth chocolate ganache create a rich, indulgent filling that’s impossible to resist. The addition of colorful M&M’s adds a playful element to the tarts, making them as fun to look at as they are to eat. These tarts are also versatile—you can easily adjust the size or add your own twist to the filling or decorations. Plus, they’re a hit with both kids and adults, making them a great choice for any gathering.

Perfect Occasion:

These mini toffee tarts are perfect for celebrations like birthdays, family gatherings, or holiday parties. Their colorful appearance and rich flavor make them a standout dessert that’s sure to be a hit with guests. They’re also great for serving at a casual get-together or as a sweet treat to enjoy at home. Because they’re small and easy to serve, they’re ideal for buffets or dessert tables where you want to offer a variety of treats. No matter the occasion, these tarts are sure to add a touch of fun and sweetness to any event.

Decoration Tips:

To make these tarts even more visually appealing, consider decorating the top with additional M&M’s or a drizzle of melted white chocolate. You can also sprinkle some edible glitter or colorful sprinkles on top for an extra festive touch. If you’re feeling creative, you could even pipe a small swirl of whipped cream on top of each tart before adding the ganache. For a more elegant presentation, arrange the tarts on a platter lined with parchment paper, and serve them with a side of fresh berries or a dusting of powdered sugar.


For the Rainbow Ganache:

  • 150 grams of M&M’s
  • 75 grams of heavy cream

For the Tart Filling:

  • Dulce de leche, as needed

For the Tart Crust:

  • 100 grams of softened butter
  • 160 grams of all-purpose flour (0000)
  • 60 grams of granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • Vanilla extract, to taste
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 10 grams of baking powder


  1. Prepare the Tart Crust:
    • Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F).
    • In a mixing bowl, cream the softened butter with the sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg and mix until well combined.
    • Gradually incorporate the flour, baking powder, vanilla extract, and lemon zest, mixing until the dough comes together smoothly.
    • Divide the dough into 6 equal portions and press each portion into a 12 cm tart mold, ensuring an even layer.
    • Bake the tart shells in the preheated oven for 18 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow them to cool completely.
  2. Prepare the Rainbow Ganache:
    • Place the M&M’s in a bowl. Heat the heavy cream in a small saucepan until it just begins to simmer.
    • Pour the hot cream over the M&M’s and let it sit for 1 minute to soften them.
    • Stir until the mixture is smooth and fully combined, creating a vibrant rainbow ganache.
  3. Assemble the Tarts:
    • Once the tart shells have cooled, fill each one with a generous layer of dulce de leche.
    • Pour the rainbow ganache over the dulce de leche, spreading it evenly to cover the top of each tart.
  4. Chill and Serve:
    • Place the tarts in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to allow the ganache to set.
    • When ready to serve, remove the tarts from the molds and arrange them on a serving platter.


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