Delicious Skillet Blueberry Peach Cobbler with Buttermilk Biscuits


For the Berry-Peach Medley:

2 and 1/4 cups fresh or frozen blueberries (no thawing if frozen)

4 and 1/2 cups sliced peaches (around 5-6 sizable peaches)

1/3 cup white sugar

3 tablespoons brown sugar, firmly packed

1/4 cup general-purpose flour

2 teaspoons pure vanilla essence

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

A dash of nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind

For the Creamy Biscuits:

3 cups general-purpose flour

3 teaspoons rising agent

3/4 teaspoon table salt

1/3 cup and an additional tablespoon of white sugar

1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3/4 cup chilled salted butter (1 and 1/2 sticks, or 170 grams)

1 cup chilled buttermilk

A touch of heavy cream (for biscuit glazing)

A handful of turbinado sugar (for biscuit topping)


  1. Warming Up: Set your oven to a temperature of 400°F (200°C).
  2. Crafting the Berry-Peach Medley: Thinly slice the peaches to about 1/2-inch. In an oven-friendly 10-inch skillet (no greasing required) or a similar baking dish, amalgamate all the ingredients for the berry-peach medley. Stir thoroughly to avoid any pockets of flour or sugar beneath the fruits. Put it to one side.
  3. Creating the Creamy Biscuits: In a sizable mixing bowl, blend the flour, rising agent, salt, sugar, and cinnamon. Slice the chilled butter into big pieces and introduce them to the mixture. Use a pastry blender to integrate the butter into the mixture until the butter bits resemble small peas or nuts. Pour in the buttermilk and mix until it binds. If it appears excessively dry, dribble in a little extra milk, teaspoon by teaspoon, until it binds without becoming sticky.
  4. Molding the Biscuits: On a floured surface, gently flatten the dough to a thickness between 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch. Use a 3-inch round cutter to shape out biscuits. The initial roll should yield 4-5 biscuits. Recollect the dough remnants, re-flatten to the same dimension, and craft 2 more biscuits. Bake any leftover dough as separate biscuits (perfect for nibbling).
  5. Cobbler Construction: Stir the berry-peach mixture once more and top with 7 biscuits. Let it cool in the fridge for about 5 minutes. Afterward, using a brush, delicately coat the biscuits with heavy cream and garnish with turbinado sugar.
  6. Culinary Finale: Place the cobbler in the oven for approximately 46 to 50 minutes. Ensure the fruits are bubbling at the core and the biscuits have attained a rich golden hue. Allow it a cooling period of about 10 minutes prior to indulging.
  7. Savoring and Preservation: Relish the cobbler at a warm temperature, ideally complemented by a dollop of vanilla ice cream. Store any remnants in the refrigerator after cooling and reheat before serving within 2-3 days. Bon appétit!

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