Delightful Yogurt Muffins with Optional Blueberries and Eggnog

Discover the joy of baking with these Delightful Yogurt Muffins, a simple yet versatile recipe perfect for any home baker. This recipe combines the tangy freshness of natural yogurt with the light, airy texture of perfectly baked muffins. Optionally enhanced with blueberries and a hint of eggnog, these muffins offer a delightful twist to your traditional snack.

Why You’ll Love This

You’ll adore these muffins for their moist texture and subtle sweetness, balanced by the creamy depth of yogurt. The addition of blueberries provides a burst of freshness in every bite, while a splash of eggnog introduces a seasonal richness that makes these muffins stand out. They are as nourishing as they are delicious, making them a perfect choice for a breakfast treat or an afternoon snack.

Perfect Occasion

These muffins are ideal for a cozy morning breakfast, a brunch gathering, or as a light dessert at a family dinner. They’re also great for packing into lunchboxes for a school or office snack. The optional eggnog makes them a festive choice during the holiday season, bringing a touch of celebration to your baking.

Decoration Tips

For an eye-catching finish, sprinkle the top of each muffin with a little raw sugar or some additional blueberries before baking. If opting for the chocolate-coated version, a drizzle of melted chocolate or a dusting of powdered sugar after they are baked and cooled adds a touch of elegance.

Ingredients for 12 Muffins:

  • Dry Ingredients:
    • 220g all-purpose flour
    • 1/2 package baking powder
    • 120g sugar
  • Wet Ingredients:
    • 3 whole eggs
    • 100ml sunflower oil
    • 125g natural yogurt (3.5% fat)
  • Optional:
    • 40ml eggnog (to taste)
    • Blueberries (to taste)


  1. Preparation:
    • Preheat your oven to 180°C (356°F) with both top and bottom heat.
    • Line a muffin tray with paper liners or grease the molds.
  2. Mixing the Batter:
    • In a large mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and sugar.
    • In another bowl, whisk together the eggs, sunflower oil, and yogurt until smooth.
    • Combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated. If desired, fold in blueberries and eggnog at this stage for added flavor.
  3. Baking:
    • Transfer the batter into the prepared muffin tray using a piping bag or spoon.
    • Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
    • Allow the muffins to cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.
  4. Optional Chocolate Coating (using a silicone mold):
    • After baking, remove the muffins and let them cool. Clean the silicone mold thoroughly.
    • Melt some chocolate and brush it over the bottom and sides of the silicone mold.
    • Place the muffins back into the mold, pressing slightly to adhere.
    • Freeze for about 1 hour, then carefully remove by peeling the mold away.

Enjoy these delightful Yogurt Muffins as a treat that combines the simplicity of everyday ingredients with the optional luxury of eggnog and blueberries. Perfect for any occasion, they are sure to impress with their versatility and delicious taste.

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