Elegant Puff Pastry Cream Horns

Savor the classic elegance of these puff pastry Cream Horns, a delightful contrast of flaky crust and luscious cream that promises to enchant your palate.


1 sheet of ready-to-bake puff pastry
1 egg yolk, for golden tenderness
1 tablespoon of cream or milk, for glaze
Pearl sugar, for a delicate crunch
250 grams of whipping cream (32% fat content), for the cloud-like filling
1 tablespoon of powdered sugar, for sweetness
Optional: ground pistachios, for a nutty garnish

Ignite your oven’s passion to a robust 200°C (392°F).

Unveil the puff pastry sheet and let it acclimate. With a rolling pin, court it to a gentle expansion.

Slice the pastry into ribbons, each 2 cm in width, like satin sashes.

Anoint Cream Horn molds with a whisper of oil, preparing them for their pastry embrace.

Commence at the mold’s narrow end, spiraling the pastry upwards, each layer kissing the one before.

Blend the egg yolk with cream or milk in a chalice, then, with a pastry brush, anoint the pastry with this golden potion. Adorn with pearl sugar, pressing it to adhere like morning dew.

Arrange the horns on a baking sheet, and bake them until they blush a golden brown, about 15-20 minutes.

In the meantime, whip the cream and powdered sugar together until it boasts stiff, regal peaks.

Once the horns have cooled, and the molds have been slipped out like a secret, take the whipped cream and, with a piping bag, fill the horns with this creamy treasure.

Dust with powdered sugar and, if you wish, a sprinkle of pistachio dust for a final, artful touch.

Offer these exquisite Cream Horns as a testament to your culinary flair, perfect for gracing any table or occasion. Delight in the craftsmanship and taste, and watch them become a cherished favorite. Bon appétit! 👩🏻‍🍳🥐✨

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