Experience the Ultimate Indulgence: Baked Chocolate Ganache Tart with Rich Caramel – A Symphony of Sweetness and Texture

This sumptuous tart combines three exquisite layers: a buttery almond crust, a velvety chocolate ganache, and a decadently smooth caramel topping. The crust, enriched with almond powder and vanilla, provides a fragrant, crumbly base that perfectly complements the rich, creamy chocolate ganache. The final layer of golden caramel adds a luscious depth of flavor, making each bite a perfect blend of sweet and salty notes. This tart is a true masterpiece of pastry art, ideal for those who appreciate the finer details in baking.

Why You’ll Love This

Chocolate and caramel lovers will be enamored with this dessert. The tart offers a harmonious blend of textures and flavors, from the crispness of the crust to the melt-in-your-mouth ganache, topped off with a silky caramel that beautifully coats the palate. Each component is crafted to enhance the others, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling dessert experience. Moreover, the process of creating this tart, from crafting the dough to layering the ganache and caramel, is a rewarding endeavor for any baking enthusiast.

Perfect Occasion

This baked chocolate ganache tart with caramel is ideal for sophisticated gatherings, such as dinner parties, holiday celebrations, or as a special treat for romantic occasions like anniversaries. It’s also a showstopper for any dessert table, guaranteed to impress guests with its elegant appearance and exquisite taste.

Decoration Tips

  1. Gold Leaf: For a touch of elegance, add small pieces of edible gold leaf to the caramel topping before it sets.
  2. Chocolate Shavings: Garnish the tart with dark chocolate shavings for an added chocolatey appeal.
  3. Whipped Cream: Serve each slice with a dollop of lightly sweetened whipped cream to balance the richness of the chocolate and caramel.
  4. Fresh Berries: A few fresh berries, such as raspberries or blueberries, can add a burst of color and a tart contrast to the sweet flavors.


  • For the Dough:
    • 150g half-salted butter
    • 40g icing sugar
    • Vanilla (to taste)
    • 30g almond powder
    • 1 egg
    • 250g flour
  • For the Chocolate Cream:
    • 150g dark chocolate
    • 150g cream
    • 1 egg
    • 50g milk
  • For the Caramel:
    • 100g sugar
    • 40g half-salted butter
    • 200ml whole cream
    • 1/2 vanilla pod


  1. Start by preparing the dough. In a mixing bowl, combine butter, icing sugar, a touch of vanilla, and almond powder. Mix well before adding the egg and flour. Form a consistent dough.
  2. Press the dough into a 20cm tart mold. Bake in a preheated oven at 175°C (347°F) for about 20 minutes until golden and set.
  3. For the chocolate cream, heat the cream and milk together, then pour over the chopped dark chocolate. Stir until smooth before mixing in the egg. Pour this ganache over the cooled tart base.
  4. Bake the tart with the ganache at 120°C (248°F) for 15-20 minutes. Allow to cool completely.
  5. For the caramel, melt the sugar until golden. Stir in the butter and scraped vanilla pod. Warm the cream slightly, then carefully pour over the caramel. Cook until thickened.
  6. Let the caramel cool slightly before pouring over the set chocolate layer. Allow the tart to set completely before serving.

Enjoy this indulgent dessert that pairs beautifully with a strong espresso or a glass of your favorite dessert wine!

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