Gourmet Pistachio Rolled Kadayıf: A Marvelous Fusion of Crunchy, Sweet, and Nutty Delights

Step into a world of unique textures and flavors with our Gourmet Pistachio Rolled Kadayıf, a sophisticated dessert that showcases the perfect blend of crunchy shredded pastry, creamy whipped topping, and rich nutty layers. This dish beautifully combines traditional Middle Eastern kadayıf with a luxurious twist of whipped cream and pistachios, offering an exquisite taste experience that is as visually appealing as it is delicious.

Why You’ll Love This:

This rolled kadayıf dessert excels in every aspect, from its crunchy shredded pastry that gets a slight toast to bring out a nutty aroma, to the creamy layers that melt delightfully on your tongue. The addition of whole and powdered pistachios provides a rich, earthy flavor that complements the sweetened cream perfectly. It’s a masterful balance of textures and flavors that makes this dish a standout at any dining table.

Perfect Occasion:

This dish is ideal for special occasions, serving as a showstopping dessert at dinner parties, festive celebrations, or any gathering where you want to impress your guests. It’s particularly well-suited for festive times or as a special treat during cultural celebrations when something unique and delightful is called for to complete the culinary experience.

Decoration Tips:

Presentation is key for this rolled kadayıf. Once sliced, arrange the pieces elegantly on a serving platter. Garnish with additional ground pistachios and perhaps a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of rose petals to enhance the visual appeal and add a hint of floral sweetness. The contrast of the green pistachios against the golden pastry makes for a visually stunning display.


  • 150 grams of powdered pistachios
  • 1 egg white
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams of cream
  • 1/2 cup whole pistachios
  • 200 grams of kadayıf (shredded phyllo pastry)
  • 1 packet of whipped cream powder (whipped with 1 cup of cold milk)
  1. Prepare the Kadayıf: Take 100 grams of kadayıf and tear it into smaller pieces. Toast it in a pan with 50 grams of sugar until it changes color and becomes slightly crispy. Separately, toast the whole pistachios in a pan for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning.
  2. Bake Remaining Kadayıf: Spread the remaining 100 grams of kadayıf on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at a moderate temperature for about 10 minutes, or until it just starts to turn golden.
  3. Prepare Pistachio Paste: In a bowl, mix the powdered pistachios with the egg white and knead until it forms a paste. Add the baked kadayıf to this mixture.
  4. Heat Cream and Sugar: Combine the cream and the remaining 100 grams of sugar in a saucepan. Heat just until the sugar dissolves, being careful not to let it boil.
  5. Combine Mixtures: Pour the warm cream and sugar mixture into the pistachio and kadayıf paste. Stir well until all components are thoroughly combined.
  6. Assemble the Roll: Lay out a piece of plastic wrap on a flat surface. Spread the mixture onto the plastic wrap to about 2 cm thickness. Evenly spread the whipped cream over this base, then scatter the toasted, sweetened kadayıf on top of the cream. Line the toasted whole pistachios along one edge.
  7. Roll and Chill: Carefully roll the layered mixture using the plastic wrap to help form a tight roll. Place this in the refrigerator and let it set for 2-3 hours.
  8. Serve: Once chilled and firm, slice the roll into pieces and serve.

Enjoy this Gourmet Pistachio Rolled Kadayıf, a dessert that promises not just a treat for the palate but also a feast for the eyes!

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