Luxurious Chocolate-Infused Delights with Coffee Notes and a Crunchy Walnut Texture

Experience the rich, decadent fusion of finely crushed coffee-flavored biscuits, luscious dark and white chocolate, and crunchy walnuts in these elegant homemade treats. Each bite offers a delightful symphony of textures and deep, satisfying flavors, enhanced by a hint of cinnamon and the luxurious creaminess of condensed milk. This recipe guides you through creating your own gourmet-style bonbons, coated in silky smooth white chocolate, making it a perfect treat for any occasion.

Why You’ll Love This
These bonbons are not only a treat for the taste buds but also a joy to prepare. The combination of coffee-flavored biscuits and the richness of dark and white chocolates provides a sophisticated twist on classic bonbons. The process of tempering the chocolate and crafting each piece adds a touch of personal flair to your culinary creations.

Perfect Occasion
These bonbons are ideal for gifting during holidays, as a classy dessert at dinner parties, or as a special treat to enjoy with your afternoon coffee. Their elegant appearance and exquisite taste make them suitable for wedding favors or as a luxurious treat in a gourmet gift basket.

Decoration Tips
For an extra decorative touch, consider drizzling the bonbons with contrasting chocolate lines or sprinkling them with crushed nuts before the chocolate sets. Mokkaboontjes, small coffee bean-shaped chocolates, can be placed atop each bonbon for a delightful coffee-infused accent.


  • 260g Coffee-flavored biscuits (finely ground)
  • 150g Walnuts (coarsely ground for texture)
  • 100g Dark chocolate (chopped)
  • 1g Cinnamon powder (for a hint of spice)
  • 397g Condensed milk (to bind and sweeten)
  • Coating:
    • 300g White chocolate (melted for dipping)
  • Garnish:
    • 40g Dark chocolate (melted for drizzling)
    • Mokkaboontjes (optional, for decoration)

Detailed Steps:

  1. Prepare the Biscuit Base:
    Grind the coffee-flavored biscuits until fine. Mix with ground walnuts, chopped dark chocolate, and cinnamon. Combine with condensed milk to form a homogenous dough.
  2. Shape and Chill:
    Spread the mixture onto a tray lined with parchment paper, pressing firmly to form an even layer. Chill in the refrigerator to firm up.
  3. Cut and Coat:
    Once set, cut the dough into desired shapes. Dip each piece in melted white chocolate, ensuring a smooth coat. Place on parchment paper to set.
  4. Garnish:
    Drizzle with melted dark chocolate and adorn with mokkaboontjes for a professional finish.
  5. Serve or Store:
    Allow the bonbons to set at room temperature for a glossy finish. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Enjoy crafting these exquisite treats that blend the rich flavors of coffee, chocolate, and walnuts into a truly decadent confectionery masterpiece.

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