Luxurious Ferrero-Inspired Hazelnut Cookies with Chocolate Coating

Dive into the rich and indulgent world of Ferrero-inspired cookies, masterfully crafted to capture the essence of the famed confectionery. These cookies feature a crunchy hazelnut base and are enveloped in a smooth chocolate coating, creating a delightful treat that’s both sophisticated and irresistibly tasty.

Why You’ll Love This:

If you’re a fan of Ferrero Rocher chocolates, these cookies are a dream come true. They mimic the iconic flavors with a homemade touch, combining the crunch of hazelnuts with the richness of milk chocolate. Each cookie is a perfect blend of textures and flavors, making them an ideal companion for your coffee or as a standalone treat.

Perfect Occasion:

These Ferrero-inspired cookies are perfect for special occasions, such as holiday parties, elegant tea gatherings, or as a luxurious treat to end a fine dining experience. They are also fantastic as gifts, packaged in a pretty box with a ribbon, sure to impress any chocolate lover.

Decoration Tips:

For an extra touch of elegance, after coating the cookies in chocolate, sprinkle them with crushed hazelnuts or gold dust before the chocolate sets. You can also drizzle them with white chocolate for a striking contrast. Presenting them on a decorative platter or in a beautiful cookie jar can enhance their sophisticated appeal.


  • For the Cookie Base:
    • 250 grams of butter
    • 80 grams of castor sugar
    • 1 egg
    • 20 grams of cocoa powder
    • 150 grams of corn starch
    • 300 grams of wheat flour
    • Whole hazelnuts for baking
  • For the Egg Wash and Toppings:
    • Almond nibs
  • For the Chocolate Coating:
    • 200 grams of milk chocolate
    • 2 tablespoons of oil


  1. Prepare the Hazelnuts:
    • Bake whole hazelnuts in an oven preheated to 170°C (338°F) for 15 minutes. Once cooled, peel and set aside.
  2. Make the Cookie Dough:
    • Cream the butter and castor sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg.
    • Sift together the cocoa powder, corn starch, and wheat flour. Gradually incorporate the dry ingredients into the creamed mixture to form a smooth dough.
  3. Shape and Bake the Cookies:
    • Roll the dough into small balls, pressing a whole hazelnut into the center of each. Arrange on a baking tray.
    • Brush each cookie with egg wash and sprinkle with almond nibs.
    • Bake at 170°C (338°F) for 15 minutes or until set. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
  4. Prepare the Chocolate Coating:
    • Melt the milk chocolate and mix with oil to create a smooth dipping sauce.
    • Dip each cooled cookie into the chocolate mixture, ensuring they are thoroughly coated.
  5. Final Touch:
    • Place the chocolate-coated cookies on parchment paper to set. Optionally, add any additional toppings while the chocolate is still wet.

Enjoy these luxurious, Ferrero-inspired cookies that combine the pleasure of homemade baking with the sophistication of your favorite chocolate treat!

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