Perfectly Crispy, Fun-to-Make Pies with a Spooky Twist

These Mini Halloween Pies are a fun and delicious way to celebrate the spooky season. With a flaky pie crust and your choice of sweet or savory filling, these pies are shaped into cute, handheld treats with spooky face cut-outs on top. Perfect for Halloween parties or as a festive snack, these pies are easy to make and fun to decorate with ghostly or pumpkin-inspired faces!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

These mini pies are not only cute and festive, but they’re also versatile—you can fill them with anything from apple or pumpkin pie filling to savory options like cheese and spinach. They are easy to customize and make a fun project for kids to help with. The buttery pie crust bakes up golden and crisp, while the filling stays warm and flavorful. Whether you’re preparing for a Halloween party or just looking for a fun fall treat, these mini pies are perfect for any occasion.

The Perfect Occasion

These Mini Halloween Pies are perfect for Halloween parties, fall gatherings, or even as a special treat for your family. Their small size makes them easy to serve and enjoy, while the spooky face designs make them festive and fun. Whether you’re looking for a themed dessert for your Halloween table or a cute snack to hand out to trick-or-treaters, these pies are an ideal choice.

Decoration Tips

Get creative with your spooky face cut-outs by using small cookie cutters or a knife to carve out ghostly, pumpkin, or monster faces. If you want to add a bit more Halloween flair, you can brush the top of the pies with colored sugar or sprinkle a bit of cinnamon sugar before baking. For an extra festive touch, serve the pies with a drizzle of caramel sauce or a side of whipped cream.


  • 4 pie crusts (store-bought or homemade)
  • Pie filling of your choice (apple, pumpkin, berry, or savory)
  • Melted butter (for brushing)


Step 1: Preheat the Oven
Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Step 2: Prepare the Dough
Roll out your pie dough and use a Mason jar lid or a round cutter to cut 8 circles from each round of dough. You will need 8 circles for the pie bases and 8 for the tops.

Step 3: Create Spooky Faces
Set aside 4 of the dough circles for the tops. Using a small knife or cookie cutters, cut out spooky faces (like pumpkins, ghosts, or monsters) from these circles.

Step 4: Prepare the Lids
Flip the Mason jar lids so the rubber part faces down. Press one of the dough circles into each lid, using your fingers to spread the dough evenly across the bottom and up the sides.

Step 5: Fill the Pies
Spoon your chosen pie filling into the dough-lined Mason jar lids, filling them just below the edge.

Step 6: Add the Tops
Place the spooky face dough circles on top of each pie, aligning the edges with the base. Fold the edges under to create a neat seal.

Step 7: Crimp and Brush
Crimp the edges of the pies using your fingers or a fork to seal them. Brush the tops with melted butter to help them bake to a golden brown.

Step 8: Bake
Place the pies on a lined cookie sheet and bake for 25 minutes, or until the tops are golden brown and crispy.

Step 9: Cool and Serve
Let the pies cool slightly before gently pushing up from the bottom of the Mason jar lids to release them. Serve warm or at room temperature and enjoy your spooky treats!


These Mini Halloween Pies are as fun to make as they are to eat. Serve them at your next Halloween party, and watch as everyone enjoys the spooky and delicious treats!

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