Rich and Velvety Chocolate Fondant: A Luxurious Treat for Eight

Dive into the indulgence of this Rich and Velvety Chocolate Fondant, designed to serve eight. Featuring a blend of dark and milk chocolates enriched with a touch of unsweetened cocoa, this dessert offers a deep, multi-layered chocolate experience. Perfectly balanced, it achieves a gooey center with a slightly crusty top, providing a delightful texture contrast that chocolate aficionados adore.

Why You’ll Love This:

This chocolate fondant is a true treat for the senses, delivering intense chocolate flavors that melt seamlessly in your mouth. The use of both dark and milk chocolate creates a rich complexity, while the smooth, velvety texture makes each bite deeply satisfying. It’s an easy yet elegant dessert that’s guaranteed to impress at any dinner party or special occasion.

Perfect Occasion:

Ideal for dinner parties, holiday gatherings, or as a decadent finale to a romantic dinner, this chocolate fondant can turn any evening into a special event. It’s also perfect for celebrating milestones and anniversaries or whenever you need a luxurious chocolate fix.


  • 4 eggs
  • 140 grams of sugar
  • 70 grams of flour
  • 200 grams of dark chocolate
  • 50 grams of milk chocolate
  • 20 grams of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 200 grams of butter


  1. Chocolate and Butter Mixture:
    • Begin by melting the dark and milk chocolates together with the butter. You can do this over a water bath or in a microwave, stirring frequently to ensure it’s smooth and well-combined.
  2. Egg Mixture:
    • In a separate bowl, vigorously whisk the eggs with the sugar until the mixture is pale, fluffy, and has tripled in volume. This introduces air into the fondant, giving it a lighter texture.
    • Gently fold the melted chocolate mixture into the whipped eggs and sugar, using a spatula to incorporate it delicately to retain as much air as possible.
  3. Incorporating Dry Ingredients:
    • Sift the flour and cocoa powder together to avoid lumps. Carefully fold these dry ingredients into the chocolate and egg mixture, ensuring not to deflate the mixture.
  4. Baking:
    • Pour the batter into a 24 cm diameter baking mold that has been buttered and floured to prevent sticking.
    • Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C (356°F) for about 20-25 minutes. The goal is to achieve a fondant with a gooey middle, so adjust the baking time slightly based on how soft you like the center.
  5. Cooling:
    • Allow the fondant to cool completely in the mold before attempting to remove it. This rest period helps the flavors to meld and intensifies the chocolatey goodness.

Serve this luxurious chocolate fondant on its own, or elevate it with a dollop of whipped cream, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, or a drizzle of raspberry coulis for added flavor contrast. Enjoy the decadent richness that only a true chocolate fondant can deliver!

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