Salted Caramel Pear Cobbler

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For the Autumn Pumpkin Muffins:

1 can (15 ounces) of genuine pumpkin puree (avoid pumpkin pie filling) 1 and 1/2 cups of culinary oil 3/4 cup of densely packed brown sugar (about 165 grams) 1 cup of refined sugar (circa 220 grams) 4 large eggs A dash of vanilla flavoring 3 cups of standard flour (390 grams, precisely scooped) 1 and 1/4 tsp of sea salt 2 tsp each of raising agent and bicarbonate of soda 2 tsp of aromatic cinnamon 1 and 1/4 tsp of zesty ginger powder 3/4 tsp of aromatic nutmeg A sprinkle of ground cloves A hint of cardamom (optional)

For the Golden Streusel:

3/4 cup of molten salted butter (equal to 12 tablespoons or approximately 170 grams) 1 and 1/2 cups of standard flour (circa 195 grams, scooped precisely) 1/4 cup of both refined sugar (about 54 grams) and densely packed brown sugar (circa 55 grams) 1 and 1/2 tsp of aromatic cinnamon 1/2 tsp of aromatic nutmeg A sprinkle of sea salt

For the Amber Maple Finish:

1 and 1/2 cups of confectioner’s sugar 2 tbsp of organic maple essence and any milk variety A sprinkle of cinnamon (adapt to your palate)


Initial Set-Up: Pre-set the oven to a cozy 350°F (175°C). Prepare your muffin pans with a gentle mist or line with muffin papers. Golden Streusel: In a contemporary bowl, liquefy the butter. Integrate the other streusel elements until the consistency feels balanced. If it leans towards the moist side, introduce a smidgen more flour. Muffin Fusion: Within a commodious mixing bowl, blend the pumpkin, culinary oil, sugars, eggs, and vanilla flavoring harmoniously. Introduce the dry elements gradually, ensuring a cohesive blend without over-stirring. Baking Ritual: Allocate the mixture into the muffin molds, filling them just beyond the two-thirds mark. Bestow a lavish amount of golden streusel atop each, ensuring a mild adherence. Permit them to bake for an 18-23 minute window. Their readiness is signaled when an inserted probe emerges with minimal moist remnants. Amber Maple Finish: Meld all glazing constituents in a vessel, achieving a silken texture. Modify with milk for desired viscosity and season with cinnamon. Plating: Grant the muffins a brief respite in their mold before transitioning them to a cooling grid. While retaining slight warmth, garnish with the amber maple finish. Should any survivors remain, preserve them in a hermetic vessel at ambient conditions for a maximum of 4 days. Savor the autumnal delight!

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