Traditional Pistachio Baklava: A Timeless Delight

Dive into the rich history and exquisite taste of Traditional Pistachio Baklava, a masterpiece of Middle Eastern cuisine that combines the delicate layers of baklava dough with a generous filling of unsalted pistachios, all brought together with a sweet and zesty sugar syrup. This recipe captures the essence of this beloved dessert, offering a perfect balance between the crispiness of the baked layers and the rich, nutty flavor of the pistachios.

Why You’ll Love This:

This baklava recipe is for those who appreciate the art of traditional baking and the irresistible combination of nuts and syrupy sweetness. The meticulous process of layering dough and filling, coupled with the final touch of lemon-infused sugar syrup, results in a dessert that’s both luxurious and comforting. Each bite promises a delightful crunch followed by the smooth, sweet flavor that has made baklava a global favorite.

Perfect Occasion:

Baklava is a versatile dessert that shines in any setting, be it a festive celebration, a formal dinner, or as a luxurious everyday treat. It’s particularly suited for gatherings where you want to impress your guests with a dessert that’s both sophisticated and deeply satisfying. Baklava also makes a wonderful gift, symbolizing hospitality and the sharing of sweet moments.

Decoration Tips:

For an elegant presentation, sprinkle finely chopped pistachios over the baked baklava before serving. A dusting of powdered sugar can add an extra touch of sweetness and visual appeal. Serve individual pieces on small plates, accompanied by a cup of strong coffee or tea, to complement the rich flavors of the baklava.


  • 480g baklava dough
  • 200g butter
  • 130ml sunflower oil
  • 400g unsalted pistachios, roughly chopped

For the Sugar Syrup:

  • 625ml water
  • 625g sugar
  • 1 slice of lemon

Baking Dish Size:

  • 31×32 cm


  1. Begin by melting the butter with the oil in a pan over low heat. Skim off any foam that forms—this will not be used on the baklava.
  2. Use the baking dish as a guide to cut the baklava dough into circles that fit the dish. Place three dough circles into the dish, brushing each with the butter-oil mixture.
  3. Continue layering the dough, adding pistachios between layers and moistening with the butter-oil mixture until all ingredients are used. Press down the edges with a knife or spoon.
  4. Cut the baklava into desired shapes, then pour the remaining butter-oil mixture over the top.
  5. Bake at 170°C (338°F) for 45-60 minutes, until golden and crispy.
  6. Meanwhile, prepare the sugar syrup by boiling water and sugar in a pot. Once boiling, reduce the heat, add the lemon slice, and simmer for 16 minutes. The syrup should be lukewarm.
  7. Pour the lukewarm syrup over the warm baklava a few minutes after removing it from the oven.

Enjoy this traditional pistachio baklava, a luxurious dessert that embodies the joy of sharing and the richness of flavors that have been cherished for generations.

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