Vegan Pistachio Tiramisu

Whip up a delectable vegan twist on the classic Italian dessert with this Pistachio Tiramisu, featuring layers of homemade ladyfingers soaked in a sweet amaretto syrup and a rich mascarpone-style filling.


  • 24 vegan ladyfingers (¾ of a batch)
  • 3 cups (700g) vegan mascarpone (2 batches)
  • ½ cup (125g) pistachio butter (⅓ of a batch)

For the Sabayon:

  • 1 ⅔ cups (400ml) soy milk or other non-dairy milk
  • ⅔ cup (120g) granulated sugar
  • ⅓ cup (45g) cornstarch

For the Topping:

  • ¼ cup (30g) raw shelled pistachios
  • 1 ¼ tbsp (15g) granulated sugar

For the Amaretto Soak:

  • ¼ cup (60ml) Amaretto or dark rum, or lemon juice for an alcohol-free version
  • ⅓ cup (80ml) water
  • ¼ cup (50g) granulated sugar


  1. Prepare vegan mascarpone, ladyfingers, and pistachio butter in advance.
  2. Make the sabayon: Whisk soy milk, sugar, and cornstarch in a saucepan until smooth. Simmer on medium-high heat, stirring constantly, until thick like custard. Cool for 15 minutes, then chill for 1 hour.
  3. Prepare the pistachio topping: Process pistachios and sugar until finely ground. Set aside.
  4. Make the filling: Whisk chilled sabayon until smooth. Gradually incorporate vegan mascarpone, then pistachio butter, whisking between additions. Transfer to piping bags or set aside if spooning.
  5. Create the Amaretto soak: Combine water and sugar in a saucepan, simmering until sugar dissolves. Off the heat, whisk in Amaretto.
  6. Assemble the tiramisu: Dip ladyfingers briefly in the Amaretto soak and lay them in a baking dish. Pipe or spoon half of the pistachio mascarpone over the ladyfingers, smoothing the top. Repeat with another layer of soaked ladyfingers and remaining mascarpone, creating peaks if desired.
  7. Finish with the topping: Sprinkle the ground pistachio sugar over the tiramisu.
  8. Chill: Refrigerate the tiramisu to set for at least a few hours, preferably overnight.

Serve this luxurious Vegan Pistachio Tiramisu as an exquisite end to a meal, or as a special treat. The combination of the crunchy pistachio topping and the creamy, nutty layers makes for a memorable dessert that’s sure to impress.

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