Chocolate Nut Cakes with Baked Apple Spice

Savor the warm and comforting flavors of these Chocolate Nut Cakes, infused with delightful baked apple spice. This recipe combines the richness of melted chocolate and ground hazelnuts with the cozy, aromatic notes of baked apple spice, creating a wonderfully moist and flavorful treat. The batter is made by creaming together butter, sugar, vanilla sugar, and egg yolks, followed by the addition of melted chocolate, ground hazelnuts, flour, and baking powder. Beaten egg whites are folded in at the end for a light and fluffy texture. Baked to perfection, these cakes are a perfect blend of chocolatey goodness and autumnal spice.

Why You’ll Love This:

  • Rich Chocolate Flavor: Delightfully indulgent and satisfying.
  • Nutty Texture and Aroma: Ground hazelnuts add depth and crunch.
  • Warm Baked Apple Spice: Evokes the cozy feeling of autumn.

Perfect Occasion: These Chocolate Nut Cakes with Baked Apple Spice are perfect for an autumnal treat, a comforting dessert on a chilly evening, or as a special baked good for holidays and gatherings. They’re also a great choice for those who love the combination of chocolate and spices in their desserts.

Chocolate Nut Cakes with Baked Apple Spice


  • 140g butter
  • 140g sugar
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 70g melted chocolate
  • 70g ground hazelnuts
  • 100g flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 4 egg whites, beaten to stiff peaks
  • 1-2 tablespoons baked apple spice


  1. Prepare the Batter: Cream the butter with sugar, vanilla sugar, and egg yolks until fluffy. Mix in melted chocolate, ground hazelnuts, flour, and baking powder.
  2. Fold in Egg Whites: Gently fold in the beaten egg whites into the batter.
  3. Add Spice: Stir in the baked apple spice for a warm, aromatic flavor.
  4. Bake the Cakes: Pour the batter into small donut baking forms (or your choice of cake form). Bake at 170°C for about 15 minutes. Adjust the baking time according to your cake form and do a toothpick test to ensure they’re baked through.
  5. Serve: Enjoy these warm, spiced Chocolate Nut Cakes, perfect with a cup of tea or coffee.

Indulge in the unique combination of chocolate, nuts, and baked apple spice in these delightful cakes. They’re sure to bring a touch of coziness to any occasion, especially during the fall and winter months.

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