Creamy Custard Tart with Maria Biscuits: A Nostalgic Delight

Dive into the sweet nostalgia of childhood with this Creamy Custard Tart, a simple yet profoundly satisfying dessert. Layered with a buttery biscuit base and topped with a velvety custard made from whipped cream and condensed milk, this tart is a testament to the beauty of simplicity in baking. Each spoonful delivers a delightful crunch mixed with smooth, creamy custard, creating a perfect balance of textures and flavors that will bring everyone together in silent appreciation.

Why You’ll Love This This tart is wonderfully easy to prepare, yet the result is incredibly luxurious, making it ideal for both novice bakers and experienced chefs. The combination of condensed milk and whipped cream creates a rich, indulgent filling that pairs beautifully with the crumbly, buttery biscuit base. It’s a versatile dessert that can be served at any gathering, offering a sweet end to any meal that’s as comforting as it is delicious.

Perfect Occasion Perfect for family gatherings, holiday dinners, or as a special weekend treat, this custard tart is sure to evoke fond memories and create new ones. It’s also ideal for potlucks, picnics, or as a sweet gift to friends and neighbors, thanks to its crowd-pleasing appeal and simple preparation.

Decoration Tips

  1. For an elegant touch, sprinkle the top with crushed Maria biscuits just before serving to add a bit of texture and decoration.
  2. Garnish with a light dusting of powdered sugar or cinnamon for a festive look and extra flavor.
  3. Consider adding a layer of sliced fresh fruits like strawberries or bananas between the biscuit base and the custard for a fruity twist.


  • For the Base:
    • 200g Maria biscuits, finely ground
    • 100g melted butter
  • For the Filling:
    • 600ml heavy cream
    • 1 can (approximately 395g) condensed milk
    • 3 tablespoons milk
    • 5 sheets of gelatin
  • For Garnishing:
    • Additional ground Maria biscuits for sprinkling
  1. Prepare the Base: In a bowl, mix the ground Maria biscuits with melted butter. Press this mixture into the bottom of a tart pan with a removable bottom, lined with parchment paper. Use a spatula to press the mixture firmly and evenly. Chill in the refrigerator.
  2. Make the Filling: Whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks and set aside. Soften the gelatin sheets in cold water for 5 minutes, then squeeze out excess water. Heat the 3 tablespoons of milk and dissolve the gelatin in it. Gradually mix the condensed milk into the gelatin mixture, stirring constantly. Gently fold in the whipped cream until well incorporated.
  3. Assemble the Tart: Pour the custard filling over the chilled biscuit base, smoothing the top with a spatula. Refrigerate for several hours until the filling is set.
  4. Serve: Once set, remove the tart from the mold. Sprinkle with additional ground Maria biscuits before serving.

Enjoy! This Creamy Custard Tart is a sweet reminder of the simple pleasures in life, perfect for sharing and sure to satisfy any dessert lover’s craving for something sweet and comforting.

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