Dairy-Free Caramel Tartlets

Indulge in these delightful caramel tartlets with a delicate shortbread crust and a luscious dairy-free caramel filling. The combination of buttery crust and smooth caramel will surely win the hearts of everyone who tastes them!


For the Shortbread Crust:

  • Plain flour: 260g
  • Caster sugar: 40g
  • Dairy-free butter/margarine: 200g

For the Caramel:

  • Caster sugar: 200g
  • Dairy-free block butter: 100g
  • Coconut cream: 200g
  • Sea salt: A pinch


Shortbread Crust Method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan) and grease six mini tartlet tins with either coconut oil or dairy-free butter.
  2. In a bowl, combine flour and sugar.
  3. Incorporate the softened butter/margarine into the flour mixture. Use your fingers to blend until a crumbly dough takes shape.
  4. Distribute the dough among the tartlet tins, pressing it onto the bottom and sides. To prevent sticking, dust your fingers with flour.
  5. Use a fork to lightly prick the crust base. This helps prevent puffing during baking.
  6. Bake in the oven’s middle rack for 20-25 minutes or until the crusts attain a golden hue.
  7. Once baked, let the crusts cool as you prepare the caramel.

Caramel Method:

  1. Note: It’s crucial to prepare the caramel in two separate batches for optimal results. Split the listed ingredient quantities in half for each batch.
  2. Over low heat, melt the sugar in a medium to large saucepan. Stir continuously for around 5-8 minutes to ensure the sugar doesn’t burn.
  3. Upon achieving a golden or amber hue with the melted sugar, introduce the butter. Mix until combined.
  4. As the mix thickens post butter addition, pour in the coconut cream. Exercise caution as the mixture will bubble and produce steam.
  5. Swiftly pour the rich caramel into each tartlet. Use an offset spatula to evenly distribute the caramel.
  6. Let the tartlets sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Afterward, refrigerate for at least 3 hours to let them set. For a toffee-like consistency, consider an overnight refrigeration.

Serve these tartlets with a sprinkling of sea salt on top for an added touch of flavor. Enjoy the juxtaposition of the crumbly shortbread and the velvety caramel in every bite!

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