Decadent Chocolate San Sebastian Cheesecake: A Gourmet Twist on the Basque Classic

This Chocolate San Sebastian Cheesecake brings a luxurious chocolate twist to the traditional Basque dessert known for its delightfully burnt exterior and creamy interior. Originating from La Viña in San Sebastián, Spain, this cheesecake version enhances the classic recipe with rich, dark chocolate, melding velvety textures with deep, robust flavors. The result is a sophisticated dessert that’s as visually appealing as it is delicious.

Why You’ll Love This

Chocolate lovers and cheesecake aficionados alike will adore this dessert for its intense chocolatey richness and unique, slightly caramelized crust. The addition of dark chocolate not only deepens the flavor but also complements the tangy cream cheese base, creating a dessert that’s indulgent and comforting. Its creamy center contrasted with a slightly crisp top makes every bite a delightful experience.

Perfect Occasion

This cheesecake is perfect for special occasions, including dinner parties, festive celebrations, and gourmet gatherings. Its elegant appearance and exquisite taste make it a show-stopping finale to any meal. It’s also ideal for holiday celebrations where a standout dessert is required to impress your guests.

Decoration Tips

For an extra touch of elegance, drizzle melted chocolate over the top of the cheesecake after it has cooled. A dusting of cocoa powder or a garnish of chocolate shavings can add both visual appeal and texture. Fresh berries or a dollop of whipped cream on the side can also complement the rich chocolate flavors beautifully.


  • 4 packages (640 grams) of cream cheese
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 500 grams of heavy cream (approximately 2.5 packets)
  • 5 eggs
  • 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 1 packet (80 grams) dark chocolate


  1. Prepare the Cheese Mixture:
    • In a large mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese and sugar. Use an electric mixer to beat the mixture until the sugar is dissolved, about 2-3 minutes.
    • Switch to a manual whisk and continue to mix by hand.
  2. Add Eggs:
    • Incorporate the eggs one at a time, ensuring each is thoroughly mixed into the batter before adding the next.
  3. Incorporate Chocolate:
    • Gently melt the dark chocolate using a double boiler (benmari). Once melted, blend it into the cheese mixture.
  4. Add Cream and Flour:
    • Stir in the heavy cream. Sift in the flour and mix until just combined, ensuring not to overmix to keep the batter smooth.
  5. Baking the Cheesecake:
    • Preheat your oven to 210°C (410°F).
    • Pour the batter into a greased springform pan.
    • Bake for 25-30 minutes or until the top is nicely browned and the center is still slightly jiggly.
  6. Cooling and Setting:
    • Allow the cheesecake to cool to room temperature. Then refrigerate it overnight to set completely.
  7. Serve:
    • Before serving, consider topping with additional melted chocolate for an extra chocolatey experience.

Indulge in this Chocolate San Sebastian Cheesecake, a rich and sumptuous treat that elevates the traditional Basque dessert to new heights with its delightful chocolate infusion. Enjoy the blend of creamy, tangy, and sweet flavors in each decadent slice!

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