Decadent No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake: A Simple Yet Luxurious Treat

Delight in the rich flavors of this No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake, a dessert that combines the unique taste of Lotus Biscoff cookies with a silky smooth cream cheese filling. This cheesecake requires no baking, making it an easy and convenient option for a luxurious treat. The creamy texture and caramelized hints from the Biscoff spread create a truly special cheesecake that’s both indulgent and irresistible.

Why You’ll Love This:

If you are a fan of Lotus Biscoff cookies, this cheesecake takes your favorite flavor to the next level. The combination of crunchy cookie base and creamy, fluffy topping enhanced with Biscoff spread offers a delightful contrast in textures. This dessert is not only easy to prepare but also serves as a show-stopping centerpiece that is sure to impress at any gathering.

Perfect Occasion:

This No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake is perfect for special occasions, holiday celebrations, or as a sophisticated dessert at dinner parties. It’s particularly well-suited for warm weather gatherings where a no-bake, cool dessert is appreciated.

Decoration Tips:

For an elegant presentation, garnish the cheesecake with crushed Lotus Biscoff cookies and a drizzle of melted Biscoff spread. You might also consider adding a dollop of whipped cream to each slice when serving for an extra touch of decadence.


  • For the Base:
    • 300g Lotus Biscoff cookies, crushed
    • 120g melted butter
  • For the Filling:
    • 500g cream cheese
    • 400ml heavy cream
    • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
    • 1 tablespoon Lotus Biscoff spread
  • For the Topping:
    • 230g Lotus Biscoff spread, melted
  • Decoration:
    • 2 whole Lotus Biscoff cookies


  1. Prepare the Base:
    • Blend the Biscoff cookies in a blender until finely crushed.
    • In a deep bowl, mix the crushed cookies with melted butter until well combined.
    • Press the mixture into a parchment-lined cheesecake pan, forming a firm base.
    • Chill in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to set.
  2. Make the Filling:
    • In a large mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese with powdered sugar until smooth.
    • Gradually add the heavy cream and continue beating for 5-7 minutes until the mixture becomes light and fluffy.
    • Incorporate the tablespoon of Biscoff spread, beating until evenly mixed.
    • Spread the filling evenly over the chilled cookie base.
  3. Add the Topping:
    • Melt the remaining Biscoff spread in the microwave for a few seconds until it is smooth and pourable.
    • Pour over the cheesecake filling, spreading evenly to cover.
  4. Decorate:
    • Place two whole Biscoff cookies on top for decoration.
  5. Chill and Serve:
    • Refrigerate the cheesecake for at least 12 hours to ensure it sets properly.
    • Serve chilled, and enjoy the rich, creamy flavors of this no-bake delight!

This No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake offers a luxurious dessert experience, perfect for enjoying with friends and family or as a special treat to savor on your own.

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