Discover the Delight of Dual Layers: Creamy Cheesecake with a Tangy Strawberry Mousse

Embark on a culinary journey with this delectable dessert that seamlessly combines two beloved textures: a rich, smooth cheesecake and a vibrant, tangy strawberry mousse. Each bite offers a delightful contrast, making it not just a dessert, but a conversation starter at any table.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

  • Surprisingly Simple: Despite its sophisticated layers, this recipe is straightforward, making it accessible for bakers of all skill levels.
  • Layered Flavors: The creamy, dense texture of the cheesecake perfectly complements the light, airy feel of the strawberry mousse, providing a satisfying complexity of flavors.
  • Versatile and Adaptable: This recipe is perfect for customization. Add different fruits or a hint of citrus zest to the mousse layer to match the season or your taste preferences.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: With its striking layers and vibrant colors, this cheesecake is as much a feast for the eyes as it is for the palate.

Perfect Occasion

This cheesecake is a versatile star at any gathering. Serve it at a summer picnic to refresh and delight, or let it grace the table at holiday feasts and special occasions. It’s also perfect for birthday celebrations or as a luxurious weekend treat that turns an ordinary meal into something memorable.

Decoration Tips

Enhance this cheesecake’s elegance with thoughtful garnishes. Arrange thinly sliced strawberries in a circular pattern atop the mousse for a sophisticated look. A dusting of powdered sugar and a few mint leaves can add a refreshing contrast. For an extra touch of glamour, drizzle a little strawberry coulis across the top before serving.

For a 22 cm springform pan:

  • Crust:
    • 100g of butter cookies
    • 50g of melted and cooled butter
  1. Pulse cookies to a fine crumb and combine with the butter. Press firmly into the bottom of your lined pan and chill while you make the filling.
  • Cheesecake Layer:
    • 4 eggs, room temperature
    • 1/2 cup of sugar
    • A pinch of vanilla sugar
    • 500g of high-quality cottage cheese
    • 250g of mascarpone cheese
    • 100ml of 30% cream
    • 1.5 tablespoons of wheat flour
    • 1.5 tablespoons of cornstarch
  1. Whip eggs and sugars until fluffy. Add cheeses, cream, and flours; mix until just combined. Pour over crust and bake at 160°C for 50-60 minutes. Let cool slowly, first in the oven then in the fridge.
  • Strawberry Mousse:
    • 400g of strawberries, chopped
    • 1 tablespoon of sugar
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • 3 teaspoons of gelatin
    • 500 ml of 30-36% cream, well chilled
  1. Cook strawberries with sugar and lemon until softened. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, heat slightly, then blend into the fruit mixture until smooth. Cool it down.
  2. Whip the cream to stiff peaks and fold in the strawberry mousse. Layer this over the cheesecake and refrigerate overnight.


Hope you love making and tasting this delightful dessert!

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