Heavenly Neapolitan Baked Doughnuts: A Butter-Free Delight That Melts in Your Mouth

Discover the delightful taste of Neapolitan Baked Doughnuts, a healthier alternative to the traditional fried treats. These doughnuts are incredibly soft and tender, crafted without butter and astonishingly melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Infused with the bright zest of lemon and orange, each bite offers a citrusy freshness that perfectly complements the subtle sweetness of the dough. Baked to perfection, these doughnuts challenge the notion that only fried treats can be sumptuous.

Why You’ll Love This:

These Neapolitan Baked Doughnuts are not only delicious but also lighter than their fried counterparts, making them a guilt-free indulgence. The use of ricotta in the dough adds a lovely moisture and richness, ensuring that each doughnut is incredibly soft. The fresh citrus zest adds a wonderful aroma and flavor that enhances the doughnuts’ appeal. Perfect for those who love sweets but are looking for healthier options, these doughnuts will satisfy cravings without the heaviness of traditional fried desserts.

Perfect Occasion:

These doughnuts are perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a cozy breakfast, a festive brunch, or a delightful snack during a gathering. They are especially suitable for celebrations where you want to offer something unique and less indulgent. Children’s parties, family reunions, or even as a sweet treat after a meal, these baked doughnuts will be a hit.

Decoration Tips:

To enhance their appeal, brush the warm doughnuts with a light oil glaze and then dip them in granulated sugar for a sweet, sparkly finish. For a festive touch, you can also sprinkle them with edible glitter or colored sugar to match the theme of your event. Serving them on a platter garnished with citrus slices and mint leaves will add to their visual allure, making them irresistible on any dessert table.


  • 125 g all-purpose flour, plus 25-30 g for dusting
  • 125 g bread flour
  • 50 g ricotta
  • 1 egg
  • 25 g sugar, plus extra for coating
  • A pinch of salt
  • 40 g water
  • 40 g warm milk, plus extra for brushing
  • 6 g fresh yeast
  • Zest of 1 lemon and 1 orange, mixed with a teaspoon of sugar to release essential oils
  • 20 g vegetable oil, plus extra for brushing

Start by dissolving the yeast in warm milk. In a large mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, bread flour, ricotta, egg, sugar, salt, water, and the zest mixture. Gradually integrate the ingredients until evenly mixed, then add the oil last, kneading until the dough is smooth and pliable. Lightly oil the dough, cover it, and let it rise in an unheated oven with the light on until it triples in volume, approximately 2.5 hours.

Gently deflate the dough and divide it into 7-8 pieces. Shape each piece into a long rope, then form a doughnut shape by overlapping the ends. Place the shaped doughnuts on a baking tray and let them rise again in the unheated oven with the light on for about an hour.

Brush the doughnuts with milk and bake in a preheated oven at 175 degrees Celsius (350 degrees Fahrenheit) for 20-25 minutes until golden. While still warm, brush them with oil and roll them in sugar.

Enjoy these exquisite Neapolitan Baked Doughnuts, a delightful treat that brings a touch of Italy to your table!

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