Cookie Crust Nutella Buns: A Heavenly Concoction of Sweet and Crunchy Delights

Indulge in the irresistible Cookie Crust Nutella Buns, a decadent treat that combines the smooth, rich taste of Nutella with a unique cookie crust topping. These buns start with a soft, fluffy dough that envelops a core of frozen Nutella, creating a delightful surprise with each bite. Topped with a crispy cocoa cookie crust, these buns offer a wonderful contrast of textures, from the tender bread to the crunchy topping, making every bite a delicious exploration.

Why You’ll Love This:

These Nutella buns are the perfect blend of comfort and indulgence, ideal for those who love their treats with a twist. The creamy Nutella center provides a rich, chocolaty filling that complements the subtle sweetness of the dough, while the unique cocoa cookie crust adds an unexpected crunch that enhances the overall experience. Whether you’re a chocolate lover or a fan of baked goods, these buns are sure to satisfy your cravings with their complex flavors and satisfying textures.

Perfect Occasion:

Cookie Crust Nutella Buns are a fabulous choice for any gathering where you want to impress your guests with something a little different. They’re perfect for brunches, afternoon tea, or as a luxurious treat during a coffee break. These buns are also great for special occasions like birthdays or holiday gatherings, where they can serve as a sweet and elegant dessert that everyone will remember.

Decoration Tips:

To add an extra touch of elegance to these buns, consider a light dusting of powdered sugar over the top after they come out of the oven. For a festive occasion, you can drizzle them with a simple glaze made from powdered sugar and milk, or even a little chocolate for more decadence. A sprinkle of edible gold dust or cocoa nibs before baking will also enhance their visual appeal and add a bit of luxury.


  • For the pre-dough (biga):
    • 140 g bread flour
    • 70 g water
    • 2.5 g yeast
    • 1 tablespoon honey
  • For the main dough:
    • All of the pre-dough
    • 250 g strong bread flour
    • 5 g cocoa powder
    • 55 g sugar
    • 2 g fresh yeast
    • 120 g milk
    • 35 g water
    • 30 g soft butter (or 25 g oil)
    • 3 g salt
    • 1 teaspoon honey
  • For the cookie crust:
    • 50 g soft butter
    • 1 egg
    • 60 g sugar
    • 1 teaspoon cocoa, mixed with 2 tablespoons water
    • 70 g all-purpose flour
  • For the filling:
    • 10 heaping teaspoons of Nutella, frozen

Start the evening before by preparing the pre-dough. Dissolve yeast in water and mix it with flour and honey. Form into a ball, cover, and let it rest at room temperature overnight. The next day, dissolve the additional yeast in warm milk mixed with water and honey, then blend it into the pre-dough along with the flour, sugar, salt, and cocoa. Once the dough begins to develop gluten, incorporate the soft butter, and knead until smooth and elastic. Perform several stretch and folds on an oiled surface, let rest for 15 minutes, and repeat the folds. Then, let the dough rise covered at room temperature until it triples in size, about 3 hours.

Deflate the risen dough and divide into 10 equal pieces. Flatten each piece into a small circle, place a teaspoon of frozen Nutella in the center, seal well, and form into a ball. Place the balls on a baking tray, cover, and let rise for another hour until doubled. Meanwhile, prepare the cookie crust by creaming together butter, sugar, and dissolved cocoa, then mix in the egg and gradually add flour to form a smooth paste. Pipe this mixture over the risen buns.

Bake at 175 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Enjoy these luxurious Cookie Crust Nutella Buns, a treat that’s as delightful to eat as it is to look at!

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