Homemade Vegan Coconut Chocolate Bars

Dive into the tropical taste of coconut with these easy-to-make vegan coconut chocolate bars, featuring a rich and creamy center that’s entirely plant-based. They’re perfect for gifting, sharing, or enjoying as a sweet vegan treat any time of the day. Remember to share the love and this recipe with others, and bookmark our site for more vegan-friendly delights!


  • 170g (2 cups) Desiccated or Shredded Coconut, for the perfect texture.
  • 200g (1¼ cups) Coconut Butter, or Creamed Coconut, for binding and richness (make sure it’s not coconut cream!).
  • 4 tablespoons (60 ml) Vegan Condensed Milk, or Pure Maple Syrup, to sweeten.
  • 2 teaspoons (10 ml) Vanilla Bean Paste, or Vanilla Extract, for that aromatic flavor.
  • A pinch of Sea Salt, about ¼ teaspoon, to balance the sweetness.
  • 220g (8 oz) Vegan Chocolate, for the luxurious coating.


  1. In a food processor, combine the desiccated coconut, coconut butter, vegan condensed milk or maple syrup, vanilla, and sea salt. Process until the mixture begins to clump together.
  2. Shape the mixture into 10 bars and set them on a parchment-lined tray. Pop them in the freezer for a solid chill.
  3. Gently melt the vegan chocolate in a double boiler, ensuring it doesn’t come into direct contact with water to avoid seizing.
  4. Dip and coat the chilled coconut bars in the melted chocolate, letting the excess drip off. Place them back on the parchment paper.
  5. If you’re feeling extra indulgent, double-dip them for a thicker chocolate shell. Then, let them set in the freezer for a quick firm-up.
  6. For a finishing touch, drizzle with any remaining chocolate for a professional look.

Enjoy your homemade vegan coconut chocolate bars as a delectable treat. They’re sure to be a hit with everyone! Feel free to share this recipe on your socials and with your friends, so they too can indulge in a bit of vegan sweetness. And don’t forget, for more vegan recipes and inspiration, our site is just a bookmark away!

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