Lemon-Soaked Sponge Cake with Citrus Cream

Delight in the zesty notes and velvety texture of this Lemon-Soaked Sponge Cake, draped in a citrus-infused cream and topped with toasted coconut for a perfect balance of flavors.

For the Sponge:

  • Egg whites and yolks, separated with care
  • Granulated sugar, divided for different uses
  • Fresh zest from citrus fruit for a fragrant touch
  • Whole milk for richness
  • Pure lemon essence for a zesty kick
  • All-purpose flour for structure
  • A pinch of salt and baking powder for rise

For the Three-Milk Soak:

  • Sweetened condensed milk for sweetness
  • Whole milk for smoothness
  • Coconut milk for a tropical hint

For the Citrus Cream:

  • Chilled whipping cream for a fluffy topping
  • More fresh citrus zest for aromatic flair
  • Lemon curd for a tangy twist
  • Powdered sugar for sweetness

To Finish:

  • Sweetened coconut flakes, toasted for crunch
  • Additional citrus zest for garnish

Baking Odyssey:

  1. Carefully separate egg components, ensuring a pristine environment for the whites.
  2. Combine sugar and zest, then whip with yolks until light. Mix in liquids and dry ingredients, folding to keep the air.
  3. Whip whites to soft peaks, sweeten further, and aim for stiff peaks.
  4. Unite the whites with the yolk mixture, folding to a homogenous airiness.
  5. Prepare a pan, pour the batter, and bake until responsive to touch.
  6. After baking, cool, reline, and return the sponge to the pan.
  7. Whisk milks for the soak, drench the cake, and allow it to absorb overnight.
  8. For the cream, start with zest and cream, peak softly, then introduce lemon curd and sugar until firm.
  9. Adorn the cake with the cream, add curd swirls, and finish with toasted coconut and zest.

Indulgence: Slice the cake after the flavors have melded and the textures have settled, serving a piece of citrus heaven on a plate.

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