Light and Delicate No-Base Cheesecake Sweetened with Erythritol: A Sugar-Free Delight

Embrace the simplicity and elegance of this light, delicate cheesecake, perfect for those who enjoy a less sweet dessert without the guilt. This no-crust cheesecake is made with erythritol, a sugar alternative, but gives you the flexibility to use your preferred sweetener. With just a few ingredients and easy steps, this cheesecake is foolproof, even for those new to baking.

Why You’ll Love This:

  • Sugar-Free: Ideal for those monitoring sugar intake but still craving something sweet.
  • No Crust: Fewer calories and less prep time without a crust.
  • Customizable Sweetness: Adjust the sweetness to your taste by varying the amount of erythritol or substituting it with another sweetener.

Perfect Occasion: This cheesecake is a great choice for health-conscious gatherings, brunches, or as a refined dessert for dinner parties. It’s also a comforting treat for enjoying a relaxed weekend at home.

Decoration Tips:

  • Top with frozen or fresh raspberries for a burst of color and freshness.
  • A light dusting of powdered erythritol can add a snowy, elegant finish.
  • Serve with a side of light whipped cream or a drizzle of fruit syrup for those who desire a bit more indulgence.


  • 1 kg ground cottage cheese
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 packets of sugar-free pudding powder
  • 5 eggs
  • 6 tablespoons of erythritol, xylitol, or your choice of sweetener (adjust to taste)
  • Optional: raspberries (frozen are great)


  1. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. In a bowl, combine the cottage cheese, milk, pudding powder, yolks, and erythritol. Mix until smooth.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
  4. Gently fold the beaten whites into the cheese mixture.
  5. Pour the cheesecake mixture into a springform pan.
  6. Top with raspberries.
  7. Bake at 170 degrees Celsius (338 degrees Fahrenheit) for approximately 55-60 minutes. After baking, slightly open the oven door and let the cheesecake cool inside for about 30 minutes.

Enjoy this wonderfully light and satisfying cheesecake!

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