Light No-Sugar Rolls with Olive Oil: A Healthy Breakfast Treat

Start your morning with these delightful light no-sugar rolls made with extra virgin olive oil. These rolls are perfect for a healthy and light breakfast. Filled with homemade raspberry and chia seed jam (or your favorite jam), they offer a burst of flavor without the added sugar. The combination of whole wheat and all-purpose flours gives them a hearty texture, while the olive oil adds a subtle richness.

Why You’ll Love This: These rolls are a fantastic way to enjoy a sweet treat without the guilt. The use of extra virgin olive oil and the absence of added sugar make them a healthier option, while the homemade jam filling provides natural sweetness and a burst of fruit flavor. The light and fluffy texture, combined with the rich aroma of lemon zest and vanilla, makes these rolls a delightful addition to your breakfast table.

Perfect Occasion: These light rolls are perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a light snack. They are ideal for family gatherings, weekend brunches, or as a healthy option for your morning coffee break. Their lightness and healthy ingredients make them suitable for those looking to enjoy a sweet treat without compromising their diet.

Decoration Tips: For a simple yet elegant finish, dust the rolls with powdered sugar before serving. If you prefer a less light version, you can brush the tops with milk or egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar before baking. For added indulgence, drizzle with a light glaze made from powdered sugar and a bit of milk or lemon juice after baking.


  • 200g whole wheat flour
  • 350g all-purpose flour
  • 370ml skimmed milk
  • 7g active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 60ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar
  • Grated zest of 1 lemon
  • Homemade raspberry and chia seed jam (or any preferred jam)

Optional (for a less light version):

  • 80-100g sugar
  • 80-100g butter (to replace the olive oil)


  1. Prepare the pre-dough: Mix the milk, 100g of the total flour, yeast, and honey in a bowl. Let it sit for about 15 minutes until bubbly.
  2. Make the dough: Add the remaining flours, olive oil, egg, vanilla sugar, and lemon zest to the pre-dough. Mix until a smooth and homogeneous dough forms. Let it rise in a covered bowl in a warm place until doubled in size.
  3. Roll out and fill: Roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a rectangular shape. Spread the jam evenly over the dough. Cut the dough into strips and roll each strip into a spiral. Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Second rise: Let the rolls rise for another 30 minutes.
  5. Bake: Preheat the oven to 170°C. Bake the rolls for about 30 minutes until golden brown. Adjust the baking time based on your oven.
  6. Serve: Let the rolls cool slightly before serving. For a less light version, brush the tops with milk or egg and sprinkle with sugar before baking, or drizzle with a light glaze after baking.

Enjoy these Light No-Sugar Rolls with Olive Oil, a perfect healthy treat to start your day with natural sweetness and rich flavor!

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