Luxurious Layered Cream Cake: A Symphony of Smoothness and Sweetness

Embark on a culinary journey with this Luxurious Layered Cream Cake, where the classic charm of crisp biscuits meets the velvety embrace of custard and whipped cream. Crafted with layers of love and care, this dessert stands as a monument to the art of no-bake cakes. Its simplicity is its elegance, offering a rich, indulgent experience that’s as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate.

Why You’ll Love This:

This cake is a celebration of texture and flavor, marrying the crunch of biscuits with the silky smoothness of custard and the lightness of whipped cream. It’s a testament to how simple ingredients can create an extraordinary dessert. With no baking required, it offers an accessible yet luxurious treat that’s bound to impress.

Perfect Occasion:

This Layered Cream Cake is perfect for any celebration, be it a birthday, anniversary, or a simple gathering that calls for something special. It’s also an ideal dessert for those moments when you desire something sweet and satisfying without spending hours in the kitchen. This cake promises to be a crowd-pleaser, perfect for sharing with loved ones.

Decoration Tips:

To elevate this cake’s appearance, consider garnishing the top with a dusting of powdered sugar for a snow-like effect. For a pop of color and freshness, top with fresh fruit such as berries or peach slices. Chocolate shavings or a drizzle of caramel can also add a luxurious finish, making it even more irresistible.


  • 5 packs of crisp biscuits
  • For the Custard Cream:
    • 3 egg yolks
    • 1 packet of custard powder
    • 1 heaping tablespoon of cake flour
    • 1 heaping tablespoon of cornstarch
    • 600ml milk
    • 100g butter
    • 1/2 cup sugar
  • For the Whipped Cream:
    • 250g mascarpone cheese
    • 500ml heavy cream (36% fat)
    • 1/2 cup powdered sugar


  1. Line a 20x30cm dish with a layer of biscuits.
  2. Custard Cream: Blend egg yolks, custard powder, both flours, and 200ml of milk. Heat the remaining milk, butter, and sugar in a pot until combined. Gradually add the custard mix, stirring until thickened. Remove from heat and pour over the biscuits. Cover with another layer of biscuits and refrigerate for a few hours.
  3. Whipped Cream: Whip mascarpone, heavy cream, and powdered sugar until smooth. Spread over the chilled biscuit layer. Cover with a final layer of biscuits and dust generously with powdered sugar.
  4. Refrigerate until set. Your luxurious layered cream cake is ready to be enjoyed!

Enjoy this heavenly dessert that promises to deliver joy and indulgence with every bite.

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