Ultra Fluffy and Delicious Yeast Braid: A Heavenly Baked Delight

This Ultra Fluffy and Delicious Yeast Braid is a classic European bakery staple that combines the simplicity of bread with the sweetness of a dessert. The braid is made from a soft, enriched dough that includes milk, sugar, and butter, creating a tender and flavorful base. It is then brushed with a milk and egg mixture, sprinkled with pearl sugar for a delightful crunch, and baked to golden perfection. The result is a visually stunning bread that’s irresistibly soft and sweet, perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a snack.

Why You’ll Love This:

The light, airy texture of this yeast braid sets it apart from more traditional breads. The use of fresh yeast in the dough ensures that it rises beautifully, creating a loaf that is both soft and satisfying. The pearl sugar topping adds a gentle sweetness and a pleasing crunch, contrasting beautifully with the bread’s fluffy interior. This braid is not only delicious but also a joy to make, with the braiding process offering a delightful way to engage in the art of bread-making.

Perfect Occasion:

This yeast braid is ideal for special occasions such as Easter, Christmas, or family gatherings where you want to impress your guests with homemade bread. It’s also perfect for weekend breakfasts or as a special treat to accompany afternoon tea. Serve it warm with butter, jam, or even cream cheese for a truly indulgent experience.

Decoration Tips:

For an added touch of elegance, you can braid some dried fruits or nuts into the dough. After baking, a light dusting of powdered sugar or a drizzle of vanilla glaze can make this braid even more appealing. To make the braid extra festive, consider adding a few edible flowers or herbs on top before serving for a beautiful natural decoration.

  • Ingredients:
    • 250ml lukewarm milk
    • 80g sugar
    • 21g fresh yeast (half a cube)
    • 500g wheat flour
    • 1 egg (divided for dough and brushing)
    • 1/2 pinch of salt
    • 70g room temperature butter
    • Some rye flour (for dusting)
    • 1 tbsp milk (for brushing)
    • Pearl sugar (for topping)
  • Instructions:
    1. Dissolve the fresh yeast and sugar in the lukewarm milk and let it activate for a few minutes.
    2. In a large bowl, combine the wheat flour and salt. Add the yeast mixture, one egg, and butter. Knead until the dough is smooth and elastic.
    3. Cover the dough and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 1 hour.
    4. Preheat your oven to 180°C (356°F) with fan.
    5. Punch down the risen dough and divide it into three equal parts. Roll each part into a long strand and braid them together. Place the braid on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
    6. Mix the remaining egg with 1 tablespoon of milk and brush this mixture over the braid. Sprinkle with pearl sugar and a little rye flour.
    7. Bake in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until the braid is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped.
    8. Let the braid cool on a wire rack before slicing.

Enjoy your Ultra Fluffy and Delicious Yeast Braid, a perfect blend of traditional baking and sweet delight that will make any occasion special!

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