Vegan Baked Cheesecake with Cinnamon Apples: A Delightful Dessert

Indulge in the creamy and rich flavors of our Vegan Baked Cheesecake, topped with a sweet and spiced layer of cinnamon apples. This recipe offers a delightful combination of a crunchy biscuit base and a smooth, tangy cheesecake filling, all made with vegan-friendly ingredients. The cinnamon apples add a warm, aromatic touch, making this cheesecake a perfect dessert for any occasion. Whether you’re vegan or just looking to try something new, this cheesecake is sure to impress with its delightful texture and flavor.


  • Biscuit Base:
    • Digestive Biscuits or Golden Oreos (crushed): 15-17
    • Vegan Butter (melted): 75g
  • Cheesecake Filling:
    • Vegan Cream Cheese: 450g
    • Vegan Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt: 180g
    • Vegan Whipping Cream: 60ml
    • Cornstarch: 12g
    • All-Purpose Flour: 16g
    • Vanilla Extract: 3 tsps
  • Cinnamon Apples:
    • Red Apples (sliced): 2-3
    • Lemon Juice: 15ml
    • Maple or Agave Syrup: 60ml
    • Vegan Butter: 30g
    • Cinnamon Powder: 1 tsp


  1. Biscuit Base: Preheat oven to 325°F. Grease and line an 8-inch springform pan. Mix crushed biscuits with melted vegan butter, press into the pan, and bake for 10-15 minutes. Cool while preparing the filling.
  2. Cheesecake Filling: Whisk vegan cream cheese until soft. Add vegan sour cream, vanilla, lemon juice, cornstarch, and flour. Pour into the cooled biscuit base. Bake in a water bath or with a pan of water below for 35-40 minutes. Cool in the oven for 1 hour, then at room temperature, and chill in the fridge for 5-6 hours.
  3. Cinnamon Apples: Melt vegan butter in a pan, add sliced apples, and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add maple syrup and cinnamon, cooking until apples are tender and syrup thickens. Chill for 30 minutes.
  4. Assembling: Run a knife around the cheesecake, release from the springform pan, and top with chilled cinnamon apples. Brush apples with the reduced syrup.

Enjoy this Vegan Baked Cheesecake with Cinnamon Apples, a delightful and inclusive dessert that brings a touch of elegance and warmth to any dining table!

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