Zesty Dairy-Free Orange Loaf with Sweet Orange Icing: A Refreshing Treat for All Seasons

Delight in the refreshing taste of this Zesty Dairy-Free Orange Loaf, perfectly paired with a sweet orange icing. This loaf is wonderfully moist, rich in orange flavor, and finished with a bright and tangy icing that complements the subtle sweetness of the cake. Crafted with simple, dairy-free ingredients, this loaf is ideal for those looking for a vegan-friendly option without sacrificing taste or texture. The addition of a strip of butter in the batter gives it a unique moistness and a slightly denser texture, making it a satisfying treat for any time of the day.

Why You’ll Love This: This orange loaf captures the essence of oranges with its intense citrus flavor, making it a perfect dessert or snack that isn’t overly sweet. The combination of fresh orange zest and orange extract in the batter ensures that every bite is packed with natural flavor. The simple orange icing adds just the right amount of sweetness, enhancing the overall flavor profile without overpowering the delicate taste of the loaf. This loaf is not only delicious but also visually appealing, making it a great addition to any table.

Perfect Occasion: Serve this zesty orange loaf at your next brunch, as a dessert at dinner parties, or take it along to a picnic for a refreshing citrus treat. It’s also perfect for holiday gatherings, where the bright flavors can truly shine. This loaf is wonderful for baking ahead of time, as the flavors meld and deepen when allowed to sit, making it even more delicious the next day.

Decoration Tips:

  1. Top the loaf with candied orange slices for a gourmet touch and extra orange zing.
  2. Sprinkle finely grated orange zest over the icing before it sets for added color and flavor.
  3. Dust with powdered sugar just before serving for a snowy, elegant look.
  4. Serve each slice with a dollop of dairy-free whipped cream or a side of fresh citrus fruit salad to complement the loaf’s flavors.
  • Ingredients:
    • Loaf:
      • Zest of 2 large oranges
      • 150g caster sugar
      • 250g all-purpose flour
      • 2 tsp baking powder
      • 80ml sunflower oil
      • 220ml dairy-free milk
      • 2 tsp orange extract
      • Dairy-free block butter for baking
    • Icing:
      • 100g icing sugar
      • 2 tbsp orange juice
      • Optional orange zest for garnish
  • Instructions:
    1. Prepare the Loaf: Preheat oven to 175°C. Line a 2lb loaf tin with greaseproof paper. Mix orange zest with sugar. Sift in flour and baking. Add oil, milk, and extract; mix well. Pour into tin, place a strip of butter on top.
    2. Bake: Cook for about 45 minutes. Check with a skewer for doneness. Let cool in the tin on a wire rack.
    3. Make the Icing: Combine icing sugar with orange juice to desired consistency. Stir in zest if using. Drizzle over cooled loaf.
    4. Serve: Allow icing to set. Slice and serve.

Enjoy this Dairy-Free Orange Loaf as a delightful end to any meal, or as a sweet treat during your day. Its vibrant flavor and simple elegance are sure to impress!

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