Divine Flourless Chocolate Banana Brownies: A Simple and Sensational Treat

Discover the magic of baking with ripe bananas and a handful of pantry staples through this uncomplicated yet utterly delicious flourless brownie recipe. Transforming ripe bananas into a delectable dessert has never been easier or more satisfying. With just six essential ingredients and a single dish, these brownies offer a sensational taste that’s bound to make them a fast favorite.

Why You’ll Love This

These flourless brownies are a game-changer for anyone with a love for sweets and a need for simplicity. The natural sweetness of bananas paired with the richness of cocoa creates a moist, dense, and chocolatey delight. Perfect for those looking for a gluten-free option without compromising on taste. The added ease of preparation and minimal cleanup makes this recipe a perfect choice for busy days or spontaneous dessert cravings.

Perfect Occasion

Whether you’re hosting a casual get-together, need a quick dessert for a family dinner, or simply craving something sweet without the fuss, these flourless brownies fit the bill. They’re especially perfect for health-conscious friends or those following a gluten-free diet. Serve them at brunch, as a comforting snack, or as a refined dessert at your next dinner party.

Decoration Tips

Elevate these already delightful brownies with a few simple touches. After swirling in the topping, sprinkle a handful of chocolate chips or nuts for added texture and flavor. For a more decadent finish, a drizzle of melted chocolate or a dusting of powdered sugar can turn these treats into a visually stunning dessert.


  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • Chocolate chips (optional for mixing in or topping)


  • Hazelnut chocolate spread


  1. Warm your oven to 356°F (180°C).
  2. In a mixing bowl, blend the mashed bananas, eggs, peanut butter, cocoa powder, and baking soda until smooth. If desired, fold in some chocolate chips.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a greased baking dish. Dot the top with hazelnut chocolate spread and use a knife to create marbled swirls.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the center feels set but still soft.
  5. Allow the brownies to cool slightly before slicing into squares.

Enjoy the luscious, chocolatey goodness of these flourless brownies, where simplicity meets indulgence.

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