Luxurious Homemade Tiramisu with Optional Homemade Mascarpone: A Cozy Dessert for Chilly Days

Experience the delightful indulgence of this Homemade Tiramisu, a rich and creamy dessert that’s perfect for those who enjoy a twist on the classic Italian favorite. This recipe elevates the traditional tiramisu by incorporating a non-traditional choice of alcohol like gin or vodka, which adds a unique depth of flavor to the creamy layers. The optional inclusion of homemade mascarpone offers a fresh, tangy undertone that perfectly complements the boldness of the robust coffee and the sweetness of the layered ladyfingers.

Why You’ll Love This: This tiramisu is not only rich in flavor but also in texture, combining fluffy, alcohol-infused egg yolks with thick, creamy mascarpone, and soft, coffee-drenched ladyfingers. Each layer is meticulously crafted to ensure a harmonious blend of flavors. The addition of whipped cream, though non-traditional, introduces an airy lightness to the dessert, making it irresistibly smooth. This tiramisu is a testament to the beauty of homemade desserts, showcasing how simple ingredients can be transformed into a sophisticated and memorable treat.

Perfect Occasion: This tiramisu is ideal for any occasion where comfort and indulgence are desired. It’s particularly suited for gathering with friends on a rainy day, a romantic dinner at home, or as a luxurious finale to a festive meal. This dessert is also perfect for holidays and celebrations, providing a comforting warmth that only a dessert like tiramisu can offer.

Decoration Tips: To enhance the presentation, dust the top generously with high-quality unsweetened cocoa powder right before serving to add a touch of bitterness that contrasts beautifully with the underlying sweetness. For an elegant touch, consider garnishing with chocolate curls or a few coffee beans. Serve each piece on a small plate with a mint leaf for a pop of color.


  • For the Egg Mixture:
    • 5-6 egg yolks
    • 100g sugar
    • 40cc of a premium alcohol (gin or vodka)
  • For the Mascarpone Mixture:
    • 800g mascarpone (homemade or store-bought)
    • 250g whipped cream (optional, for a lighter texture)
  • Other:
    • 1 liter of strong coffee
    • A shot of whiskey
    • Ladyfingers (savoiardi)
    • Unsweetened cocoa powder for dusting


  1. Prepare the Egg Mixture:
    • Whisk egg yolks, sugar, and alcohol in a bowl set over a pot of simmering water (double boiler method) until thick, foamy, and pale. Continue whisking off the heat until the mixture cools down.
  2. Make the Mascarpone Cream:
    • In a large bowl, gently fold the cooled egg mixture into the mascarpone in two batches to keep the mixture light and airy. If using, fold in the whipped cream last.
  3. Assemble the Tiramisu:
    • Dip ladyfingers quickly into a mixture of strong coffee and whiskey. Arrange a layer of soaked ladyfingers at the bottom of a serving dish.
    • Spread half of the mascarpone mixture over the ladyfingers. Chill briefly, then repeat with another layer of soaked ladyfingers and the remaining mascarpone mixture.
    • Chill the assembled tiramisu in the refrigerator overnight to allow the flavors to meld together.
  4. Serve:
    • Just before serving, dust the top with unsweetened cocoa powder.

Enjoy this sumptuous Homemade Tiramisu, a perfect dessert to make your cold days a little warmer and sweeter!

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