Mini Cheesecakes

Cherry Bliss Bar Treats

Essential Ingredients:

Cherry Filling:

4 cups luscious cherries (pick freshly rinsed & de-seeded or opt for the frozen charm) 4.5 tbsp water (distributed as needed) 2 tbsp cornstarch A solid 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1 tsp almond extract (consider an extra 1/4 tsp for added depth)

Golden Crust and Topping:

A hearty 3/4 cup butter (melted gracefully) 1.5 cups flour 1 cup classic whole oats 3/4 cup caramelized brown sugar (well-compressed) 3/4 tsp baking powder A hint of 1/4 tsp cinnamon A subtle touch of salt

Velvety Drizzle (an optional treat):

1/2 cup powdered sugar 1 tbsp fresh milk 1/2 tsp choice between almond or vanilla essence

Path to Gourmet Perfection:

Getting Started:

Preheat your oven to 350°F. Line a 9×9 baking dish with parchment paper. For fresh cherries, wash and remove pits; if frozen, they’re ready to use.

Cherry Magic:

Stir together 2 tbsp water and cornstarch to achieve a smooth mixture. In a cooking pot, combine cherries, sugar, and the 2.5 tbsp water. Let it simmer on a medium heat, occasionally stirring for about 10-12 minutes until the cherries become juicy. Blend in the cornstarch mix to the cherry concoction, ensuring continuous stirring to reach a creamy thickness. Fold in the almond extract, adjusting to your liking. Move the mixture to a container and cool it down – either for 30 minutes in the refrigerator or a swift 10 minutes in the freezer. Note: For a denser consistency, warm it slightly while stirring.

Crafting the Base and Top:

In a mid-sized bowl, mix melted butter with the base ingredients. Reserve roughly 1 cup of this mixture for later. Spread the rest onto the lined tray and let it bake for 10 minutes. Gently spread the cooled cherry mixture over the baked layer. Generously crumble the saved mixture on top. Bake again for 28-33 minutes, aiming for a sun-kissed appearance and solid texture.

Creamy Glaze:

Mix all glaze elements, adjusting to get your ideal thickness.

Serving Suggestion:

Let the bars settle for a clean cut, preferably till they’re thoroughly cool. If you’re too tempted, wait at least 1-2 hours. Drizzle with the glaze when presenting. Indulge in the taste sensation!

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