Ultimate Ice Cube Cake: Delight in Every Bite with This Creamy, Chocolate-Infused Dessert

Embark on a culinary delight with this recipe for the Ultimate Ice Cube Cake, a scrumptious treat featuring layers of light, airy sponge, creamy white filling, and a rich chocolate glaze. This cake, known for its cube-like appearance, combines the fluffy texture of cocoa-infused sponge with a smooth, vanilla-flavored cream and a decadent chocolate topping. Perfect for any chocolate lover, this cake offers a delightful contrast of flavors and textures that makes it a standout dessert.

Why You’ll Love This

The Ice Cube Cake is a feast for the senses, promising a satisfying blend of textures and flavors. The cocoa sponge base is moist and fluffy, offering a delicate chocolate flavor that perfectly complements the rich, creamy filling. The glossy chocolate glaze adds a touch of elegance and an extra layer of chocolatey goodness. This cake is not only visually appealing with its distinct layers but also incredibly delicious, making it a favorite for both kids and adults.

Perfect Occasion

This Ice Cube Cake is perfect for celebrations, gatherings, or as a special treat after a family meal. It’s particularly popular for birthdays, holidays, and festive occasions where you want to impress your guests. Its elegant appearance and delightful flavors make it suitable for both casual and formal events.

Decoration Tips

To beautifully present your Ice Cube Cake, consider these simple yet effective decoration tips:

  • After applying the chocolate glaze, sprinkle the top with chocolate shavings or cocoa powder before it sets to add texture and enhance its visual appeal.
  • Decorate with piped whipped cream along the edges or corners of the cake for a more sophisticated look.
  • For a colorful touch, garnish with fresh berries like strawberries or raspberries just before serving.
  • Serve each slice on individual plates with a mint leaf for a fresh contrast.


  • Sponge:
    • 6 eggs
    • 100 g sugar
    • 100 ml oil
    • 80 g flour
    • 40 g cocoa powder
    • 1 packet of baking powder
  • Cream Filling:
    • 130 g sugar
    • 1 liter of milk
    • 2 packets of vanilla sugar
    • 100 g cornstarch
    • 250 g butter, room temperature
  • Chocolate Glaze:
    • 100 g heavy cream
    • 100 g chocolate


  1. Sponge Preparation:
    • Beat egg whites with sugar until fluffy. Reduce mixer speed and gently incorporate egg yolks.
    • In a separate bowl, mix flour, cocoa, and baking powder. Fold these dry ingredients into the egg mixture carefully.
    • Pour the batter into a squared baking dish (27×28 cm) and bake at 170°C (338°F) for about 40 minutes. Allow to cool completely.
  2. Cream Filling Preparation:
    • Dissolve cornstarch in a small amount of milk. Heat the remaining milk with sugar, then add the cornstarch mixture. Cook until thickened, then cool completely.
    • Beat the butter until fluffy and mix with the cooled custard. Spread this cream over the cooled sponge.
  3. Glaze Preparation:
    • Gently melt the chocolate with the heavy cream over low heat. Allow the glaze to cool slightly, then pour over the cream layer.
    • Optionally, sprinkle with chocolate shavings for decoration.
  4. Chill:
    • Refrigerate the cake until set, ideally overnight.

Enjoy this luxurious Ice Cube Cake, a delightful dessert that’s as pleasing to the eye as it is to the palate!

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