Homemade Lemon Ice Cream Served in Lemon Shells

This homemade lemon ice cream combines the bright, zesty flavors of fresh lemon with the creamy richness of heavy cream and condensed milk. Served in hollowed-out lemon shells, this dessert not only tastes refreshing but also presents beautifully. A touch of vanilla and a pinch of salt enhance the natural citrus flavors, while the inclusion of egg yolks adds a silky, custard-like texture. This ice cream is perfect for a summer treat or a unique dessert at any festive gathering.

Why You’ll Love This: This recipe is ideal for those who enjoy vibrant, citrusy flavors paired with the luxurious mouthfeel of traditional ice cream. Serving the ice cream in lemon shells adds an element of charm and sophistication that makes each serving special. It’s a delightful way to end a meal on a light, refreshing note, and the natural container reduces the need for additional dishes, making cleanup a breeze.

Perfect Occasion: This lemon ice cream is a wonderful choice for outdoor summer parties, picnics, or as a refreshing dessert after a hearty meal. It’s also great for themed parties or celebrations where you want to impress your guests with something out of the ordinary yet utterly delicious.

Decoration Tips: Top each lemon shell filled with ice cream with a generous dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of fresh lemon zest right before serving. For a more colorful presentation, you could also add a few edible flowers or mint leaves. If serving at an event, arrange the lemon shells on a bed of crushed ice to keep them cool and to add to the visual appeal.


  • 6 lemons (to yield 200 ml of juice)
  • 350 ml heavy cream
  • 200 g condensed milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Whipped cream, for topping
  • Lemon zest, for garnish


  1. Prepare the Lemons:
    • Cut the lemons in half. Use a spoon to carefully hollow out the flesh, removing it from the peel. Place the lemon flesh in a sieve over a bowl and press to extract the juice. Measure 200 ml of juice for use in the recipe.
  2. Make the Ice Cream Base:
    • In a large bowl, combine the heavy cream, condensed next milk, vanilla sugar, and salt. Whip the mixture until it just becomes fluffy but not stiff.
    • Gently whisk in the lemon juice and egg yolks until the mixture is smooth and well combined.
  3. Assemble and Freeze:
    • Pour the ice cream mixture back into the hollowed-out lemon shells. Place them on a tray or in a muffin tin to keep them stable.
    • Freeze the filled lemon shells for at least 3 hours for a soft consistency or overnight for a firmer texture.
  4. Serve:
    • Just before serving, top each lemon shell with whipped cream and sprinkle with fresh lemon zest.

Enjoy this visually striking and deliciously refreshing homemade lemon ice cream, perfect for cooling down on a hot day or adding a citrusy zest to your dessert menu!

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