Mummy-inspired Banana & Nutella Puff Pastries


  • 2 sheets ready roll puff pastry (Vegan & gluten-free)
  • 6 tbsp Vegan Nutella
  • 2 medium bananas
  • 3 tbsp dairy-free milk (for the ‘egg wash’)
  • 2 tbsp caster or granulated sugar
  • Googly eyes (homemade as described below)
  • 1 packet dairy-free white chocolate buttons
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar (for dusting)



  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan setting) and line two baking trays with parchment paper.
  2. Unroll the puff pastry sheets, retaining the baking paper underneath. Lightly roll with a rolling pin to smooth out any creases.
  3. Cut one and a half sheets into rectangles, roughly measuring 4 inches by 2.5 inches. With the remaining half sheet, cut into long, slender strips for the ‘mummy wraps’. Use any leftover pastry to craft additional shapes.
  4. Place the rectangles in the refrigerator for a quick chill, about 5 minutes.

Assembling the Pastries: 5. Transfer the Vegan Nutella into a piping bag. Pipe a dollop onto the center of each chilled rectangle. Alternatively, you can spoon and spread it on. Top with thin banana slices.

  1. Gently brush the pastry edges with dairy-free milk to help the top layer adhere. Note: Avoid overloading the filling to prevent spillage during baking.
  2. Arrange the thin pastry strips over the filling in a crisscross manner to mimic a mummy’s wrap. Press the strips gently so they set in place.
  3. Brush the top with dairy-free milk and sprinkle sugar to enhance browning.
  4. Bake in batches, preferably 6 pastries per tray, for 15-18 minutes until golden brown and the pastry is crisp.
  5. Allow to slightly cool on the tray, then transfer to a cooling rack.

Making Googly Eyes: 11. If your white chocolate buttons are oversized, reduce their diameter using a piping nozzle.

  1. Dot the center of each eye using leftover Nutella from a piping bag.
  2. Ensure the pastries are cooled before attaching the eyes to avoid melting the chocolate.
  3. Position the eyes on the pastries and optionally dust with icing sugar.

Serve these adorable mummy pastries either warm or at room temperature and watch them vanish from the plate!

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